Math - Group 1 has been working on teen numbers. They have been using base ten blocks to count tens and ones.
Group 2 has been working on all ones, all tens, and ones and tens. Ex. 3+4=7, 30+40=70, 30+4=34. They are also working on counting on from two digit numbers. Ex. 57+6=_____. To count on you say the number after 57 - so 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63. They also learned how to use balls and sticks to count on.
This week we started using a new website in our technology center. It is called Math Playground. The students are loving it!
Reading - This week in reading we continue to do running records. There are about 5 students left to go. :) While I am doing running records, the students are working in daily 5. This week we have Christmas centers. We have Christmas sight word activities, making words out of the letters in Christmas, putting the words to Jingle Bells in order, making Christmas cards, as well as other Christmas centers.
Lillian's Squggle
Will in his favorite center!
Phonics - This week we are finishing up suffix s. We are starting our new glued sounds - ang, ing, ong, and ung.
Writing - We are working on Christmas ABC Books. They are turning out amazing! In handwriting today we worked on the letter Uu. We are always working on forming the letters the correct way and putting the letters in the correct spaces. Last week we worked on poems for Bishop Bob. We put them in a book and gave them to him. Today at mass he brought the book and thanked the first graders for making it for him. They were so proud!
Religion - We have been talking about Advent. We made advent wreaths. We learned about the candles and the wreath symbol. The four weeks of Advent are hope, peace, joy and love. Each week we add another flame to our candle. We also have a Jesse Tree. Each day we add another piece of the tree and read a Bible story. This week we read a Promise Paper on Monday - as we ran out of time last Friday. We learned about our Lady of Guadalupe. Tomorrow we will read the Promise Paper with this week's Gospel reading.
Today at mass we celebrated with Bishop Bob. It was his last mass at the St. Matthew Campus. Bishop Bob loves sauerkraut. To honor him, the students brought up 51 cans of sauerkraut - one can for each year he has been a priest.
Bishop Bob with his sauerkraut
Social Studies - We learned a little bit about maps. We learned about map symbols and the map key. We worked on a classroom map and a playground map. Then, our next Einstein kit came, so now we're working on science again.
Science - Our new Einstein kit is called solids and liquids. The first lesson was about two solids - a ball and a spoon. We talked about our senses. Then we used our senses to compare the spoon and the ball. Today we got to see our 20 solids. We will be doing lots of different experiments with the 20 solids. Today we worked on sorting the solids by color and by shape.
Tomorrow we will be making some fun elves! I can't wait to share them with you. Also, tomorrow is the Santa's Workshop from the auction. It will be during lunch time.
***Snack - Just a reminder that we do have a snack time in the morning. Snack time is right after recess and right before reading. Our snack time is short - 5-10 minutes at the most. The students just need a small snack. Some students are packing enough for a lunch. :) They eat lunch an hour after snack time. An apple, a banana, a bag of goldfish, a bag of pretzels, etc. - that's all that's needed.