Sunday, September 22, 2024

 Here are a few pictures / updates from our classroom ~

Spanish - Mrs. K. is asking students to bring in a family picture this week.  They are learning about families in Spanish.  Our class has Spanish on Wednesday.

Calendar Time - Every morning we start the day learning about the calendar and the weather

Wednesday we had our first Adoration of the school year
Religion - We continued reading out of our Children's Bible.  This last week we read the story of Noah's Ark and worked on pages associated with that story in our Promise books.  We have started Friendzy.  Our first unit is called - Ohana.  We learned that Ohana means family and the theme of the unit is sticking together. We have been practicing the virtue of respect.  We have now also added courtesy to our virtues and values.

Phonics  - We are reviewing the digraphs learned in kindergarten - sh, ch, wh, th, and ck.  We are practicing words with those digraphs, as well as CVC words.  We are continuing to add tricks words to our list.

Math - We worked on pattern blocks.  We had outlines of shapes and we had to fill them in with different pattern blocks.  We found out that we could use different pattern blocks to fill in those creations.  We practiced ordering numbers from least to greatest.  We continue to work on doubles facts. 

Science - In our science unit Light and Sound we explored objects that make sound in our sound centers.

Reading - We continue to practice building our stamina in the daily 5 reading centers.  We are almost finished with running records.  We will also be working on sight word checks this week.

Holy Cross First Grade

Some friends we found at recess on Friday!

Friday Fun Time!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

 We have had a busy start to the school year!  We are learning, practicing, and building our stamina!  Here are a few things we have been up to -

Writing - We have been practicing handwriting and sentence writing.  When focusing on our handwriting, we are making sure to use the correct form (uppercase or lowercase), write on the correct lines and spaces, practice forming the letters the correct way, and write neatly.  We have been working on sentence writing in our September journals.  We are working on starting sentences with capital letters, using good spacing between words, using punctuation, and using details.

Math - We have been learning about doubles facts up to 20.  (3+3, 8+8, etc.)  We have also worked on shapes such as squares, rectangles, trapezoids, hexagons, and triangles, patterns, beginning story problems, using a balance, and learning about wrap ups.

Science - We have started our first PLTW unit called Light and Sound.  So far we read the introduction story, identified light and sound, went on a scavenger hunt to find items that make light and sound, and completed the first page of our launch log.

Religion - We have been reading out of our Children's Bible.  We read the story of creation and the story of Adam and Eve.  We are currently working on making creation books.  We have also been working in our Promise books.  We met with our buddies and worked on cross pictures for the feast of the Holy Cross.  We read/learn about virtues and values.  The first virtue and value cards that we are working on this read is the virtue of respect.  

Phonics - In phonics we start the year by reviewing all the consonants, vowels, and digraphs.  We are practicing CVC words.  (Consonant - Vowel - Consonant)  We are learning how to do dictation, how to tap out words, and how to use our whiteboards, magnetic tile boards, and student notebooks.

Reading - We are learning about the elements of daily 5.  Daily 5 is our reading block.  During reading we meet in small reading groups.  When the students are not in group, they are doing one of the centers - read to self, read to someone, listening, work on writing, or word work.  We take time introducing each center and then practicing how to correctly work in that center.  As of last Friday, we have now introduced and practiced each center individually.  Starting this week, we will practice all the centers and how to rotate.  We call this building our stamina -practicing and practicing to get it right.  After a few days of practice, I'll start having students come to me one at a time for reading assessments.  After assessments are done and we are able to work independently in centers, we will be able to officially start reading groups and daily 5 rotations.

Read To Self

Read To Someone

Listen To Reading

Work On Writing

Word Work

On Friday at the end of the day,  Ada and Hadley worked on a special message...

Have a great week!