Sunday, January 26, 2025

Catholic Schools Week 2025

Spelling - Vowel Teams - ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oi,oy

Phonics - We continue to work on vowel teams, closed syllable words. and closed syllable words with a suffix s.

Math - We have been working on -2 facts, tally marks, counting coins, and using a ruler to draw line segments.

Religion - We continue to focus on the virtues of kindness and courtesy.  We learned a bit about Holy Days and Feast Days.  Our Promise Paper theme was Jesus Shows God's Love.  We learned about the wedding in Cana and Jesus' first miracle.
First grade is getting ready to lead their first mass!  We have mass on Friday, February 14th.  The students will be getting their parts this week so we'll have a few weeks to practice.  :)

Science - In our PLTW unit Sun, Moon, and Stars we learned about stars.  We spent some time learning about constellations.

Writing - We continue to work on our non-realistic fiction stories.  Some students are finishing drafts, some students are editing, and this week some students will be peer-editing and revising.

Reading - We finished running records.  We are working on sight word checks.  Then we will get back to guided reading groups.  In word work, we are focusing on contraction words.

Buddies - We created a project titled "Holy Cross Fills My Heart" with our 4th grade buddies.  We brainstormed things we love about Holy Cross and we wrote them in our hearts.  They turned out beautiful!

One of the buddy projects we'll be working on during CSW is making a stepping stone for our school.  Last week we made plans with our buddies of what we might put on our stepping stone.

Here are some of our ideas of how to arrange the glass and marbles on our stepping stone.

Working on the weather calendar

Celebrating Jesse's Birthday

Thanks to our cold day off last week, the 100th day of school is officially on Monday, February 3rd.
Today Ada brought in the first 100th day project!  Your child can bring them in any day from now until the 100th day.  :)

Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Spelling - Vowel Teams - ai, ay, ea, ee, ey, oi, oy

Due to the day off on Monday and then the cold day off on Tuesday, we will have the spelling test next Friday - January 31st.

Phonics - We have started learning about vowel teams.

Math - We have been working on -2 facts, tally marks, and counting coins.

Reading - During daily 5 we have been doing another round of daily 5.  We took our STAR reading test.  We will be doing another round of sight word checks.  

Writing - We continue to work on our non-realistic fiction stories.  The students are getting close to finishing their drafts.

A few Fun Pictures -

Our door for Catholic Schools Week

A portrait  :)

Two girls in one sweater :)

Therapy Dog Morgan

*The 100th day of school will now be officially on Monday, February 3rd.  :)  Your students can bring in their 100th day projects any time between now and the 100th day.

Have a great week!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Spelling - Closed Syllables

Phonics - In first grade we will learn about two different syllable types.  The first one we will learn about is a closed syllable.  A closed syllable has one vowel, the vowel is short, and the syllable is closed off by something (such as a consonant, blend, or digraph).  

Math - In math we worked on counting coins, using dimes and pennies to pay for items. dividing shapes in halves, subtracting 2 facts, and using a number code to make words.  

Science - We finally had a sunny day.  We were able to go outside and test our sundials.  They worked!  We are learning about patterns of the moon.  Next we will be learning about stars.

Reading - Every day we work in our daily five centers and reading groups.  This week we are going to have our STAR reading test.  We will also start another round of running records this week.  In word work we have been focusing on compound words.

Writing - We continue to work on our non-realistic fiction stories.  Last week we focused on non-realistic characters, powers, and settings.  We worked on planning out our stories - coming up with our characters, setting, and a beginning, middle, and end to our stories.

Religion - Our new Friendzy unit that we are working on is called "100% Attitude, 100% Effort".  Our Promise Paper talked about the three kings and epiphany.  Our volunteer Mrs. Curran brought in real gold, frankincense, and myrrh for us to look us.  We chalked our classroom door - learning that the three kings were Caspar, Balthazar, and Melchior.  Our virtue and values for the month of January are kindness and courtesy.

Buddies - This week we made kindness snowmen with our buddies.  We had to brainstorm ways to be kind and write them on snowballs.  Then we glued the snowballs to the snowmen.  We had so much fun making these with our buddies!

Have a great week!