Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tomorrow is Halloween!  Reminder - The students may dress in their Halloween costumes. :)

A few happenings -

First Grade Math - Today we finished up our 3rd unit.  We have been working on adding and subtracting story problems like crazy!  The focus of our next unit is place value.

First Grade Phonics - This week we also finished up our phonics unit.  (Unit 4)  This week we worked on trick words, the glued sound -all, quotation marks, handwriting, and dictation.

Religion - Our Promise paper this week taught us about All Saints Day and All Souls Day.  We learned about a few saints.  We have also been going over how to pray the Rosary.  We have prayed starting from the beginning all the way through the first decade.  We will continue until we have prayed the entire Rosary.

Science - We are finishing up our pumpkin unit.  We finally got to cut our pumpkins and investigate the seeds.  It was so interesting!  We found out that we couldn't cut through the tiny pumpkins.  We had to drop them on the ground to open them up.  Then we found out the tiny ones had tiny seeds - and a lot of them!  We counted the seeds in each pumpkin.  Some pumpkins had seeds in the 100's.  One pumpkin had seeds in the 400's! of our pumpkins ended up rotting.  Boy did that stink!  In the end, our class counted over 1, 500 seeds!  Then I took them home and roasted them.  They were a big hit for snack!

Spelling - Today I introduced the website Spelling City.  The students may use this website to practice their spelling words.  Each list will be uploaded to the website.  When you get to the website, you can get to my page by searching for Resurrection School or by putting in Jodi Sullivan.  Then the students need to find the list they are working on.  Spelling City is also a free app that you can download.

Mrs. Ihlenfeldt has a few things to say about art:

 Grades 1/2 are starting a unit on the art element, color. We all love color and want to use it, but we realized in our last painting that some colors can get muddy looking when mixed together. So we need to learn more about color. Color is very complex, therefore, I teach a little more about color each year. We are making a color wheel and learning the primary colors, and how they mix to make secondary colors. Their placement on the color wheel is important and helps explain color. For some this is a review, but we are also learning new concepts about color, like warm and cool colors, color complements, and their placement on the color wheel. We will be combining ideas about color, lines and shapes in our next project.Have a great week.Happy Halloween! 

Have a great night!  :)

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