Social Learning Session #2
We will continue exploring EXPECTED and UNEXPECTED behaviors using the following concepts this
As a visual cue to help students become more observant of their own behaviors we will use
“thought bubble” props. A green thought bubble indicates the teacher/parent/friend is
observing an expected behavior in another, which leaves them with a comfortable feeling. A
red thought bubble indicates a person is observing an unexpected behavior, creating an
uncomfortable feeling in himself or herself.
EXPECTED BEHAVIORS: These are things we do and say that give people positive thoughts
about us and make them feel good too. Doing what is expected is different based on where
we are and who we are with.
UNEXPECTED BEHAVIORS: These are things we do and say that give people
uncomfortable thoughts about us and makes them feel icky or mad or bad. Doing what is
unexpected is different based on where we are and who we are with based on the situation.
For example, using a loud voice/yelling might be expected outside at recess, but not in the
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR MAPPING helps connect behavior, emotions, and consequences:
Expected Behaviors Make other people have comfortable/positive feelings of you
Creating positive consequences Leading you to have positive feelings about yourself
Unexpected Behaviors Make other people have uncomfortable/possibly negative
thoughts about you Creating more undesired consequences Leading you to have more
negative feelings about yourself
Everyone does Unexpected Behaviors throughout each day, typically not on purpose. The
POWER of being a Social Thinker comes from being able to recognize that you have done
something unexpected. Then changing your behavior to something more expected; which can
change people’s thoughts and feelings about you back to being comfortable and more
Looking forward to meeting with parents this Thursday to explain more about these sessions!
Please don’t hesitate to contact Mary-Beth Friday with any questions, comments or concerns at the
Communication Pathways office: 920-632-4488 or by email:
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