First Grade Math - We have been working on different methods of adding two digit numbers. The methods we have learned are new groups above, new groups below, show all totals, and proof drawings. We are also regrouping to make hundreds. And of course...there are more story problems. :)
First Grade Phonics - We are on the last unit! The last unit is a review of all of the concepts we have learned about in phonics this year.
Science - We are continuing to work out of the Einstein kit called changes. We mixed water with both sugar crystals and sugar cubes to see which one dissolved first. Then we redid the experiment with just sugar crystals, but we mixed one with hot water and one with cold water. We put green and black markers on a coffee filter. Then we added a drop of water to see what would happen. We found out that other colors are hidden inside of the colors. The kids loved this experiment! Today or tomorrow we are going to work on the next lesson. It involves baking soda and vinegar. :)
Writing - In writer's workshop the kids continue to work on their books. They're also making a special something for their Dads for Father's Day. We've also been working on making books for all of our special helpers that come to our class.
Handwriting - The first graders have finished their workbook. The second graders have three more pages. We are bound and determined to get through them. When we finish, the second graders will have learned all of the lower case and capital letters in cursive.
Religion - We finished all of our Promise Papers for the year. Yesterday we got our Mass parts. We will be practicing for our Mass during our Religion time. If your child has a reading part, please also practice at home.
Reading - We are winding down with Daily 5. Our word work centers are the kids favorites!
Flat Stanley - This has been such a fun project! The kids LOVE getting mail! We have heard from almost everyone now - either by sending us mail or by e-mail. Our Stanleys have been all over the continental United States, Hawaii, and Europe! The kids have learned where these states and countries are, as well as facts about them. Here are our current Stanley maps...
Thank you so much to your friends and families for helping us out with this fun project! I'm waiting for all of the Stanleys to get back. I'd like to take a picture of all of the students with their Stanley. After the picture is taken, we'll send Stanley, his letters, and his pictures home.