First Grade Math - We finally finished unit one in the second grade math book. It was 21 lessons of story problems. The students have learned how to identify story problems with too much information, not enough information, comparing problems, and 2-step problems. Our new unit is focusing on place value - ones, tens, and hundreds.
First Grade Phonics - We have been separating words into syllables and identifying each syllable. (closed syllable, c-v-c-silent e) We also learned about the final -ic sound.
Science - We are working on the Einstein Kit changes. Yesterday we had a lesson where we had two solids (salt and gravel). We identified the properties of each using our senses. Then we poured the salt into the gravel and observed. Next we mixed the two and observed. Finally we had to figure out how to separate the two solids. We made a sieve out of fabric mesh and separated the two solids.
Reading - We have been working on our final running records of the year. :) There has been so much improvement! Our word work focus this week has been called Fantastic Facts. The students are using non-fiction books to write and illustrate facts. The students are also continuing to work on story elements (character, setting, events, problem, solution) and prefixes, suffixes, and base words.
Handwriting - The first graders officially finished their handwriting book yesterday. :) The second graders are continuing to work on cursive letters. They have learned all of the lower case letter. Now they are working on capital letters.
Religion - Our Gospel focus this week is "Love one another, just as I love you." John 15:12
We are also focusing on Mary - as May is the month of Mary.
Art - Our annual art show will be coming up this May. During the show, students will be learning how to be at an art exhibit. Art gallery etiquette will be discussed with students prior to the show. Students will learn to speak in a low voice volume, to running in an art gallery or art museum, and to view art work with their eyes only. Please no touching the art work at an show gallery.... even if it is their own work! 8th grade students will have worked hard to set up the displays which we will not not want to disrupt. We also would not want to break someone's work. Please help your son/daughter with reminders of art show etiquette during the show. Thanks in advance.
Also,please consider the art room as you do your spring cleaning. I can always use extra ribbon, buttons, beads, old costume jewelry even if it is only 1 earring, scrap book embellishments, stamp pads, other odds and ends left over from craft projects,other art supplies with the AP seal ....your junk becomes our treasures!
Gym - All of the classes will be outside as much as possible. We will be working on strength and following lists of directions. It is interesting, but the listening skills will help their core subjects as well. There will be some extra gross motor activities as well.
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