Reading - Daily 5 is going great! The students are building their stamina! Almost everyone has done running records - we are just about ready to start groups. We will most likely start with groups next week mid-week.
First grade math - We have been learning different strategies for adding. Today we started subtraction. We are learning how to make circle drawings to figure out subtraction stories.
First grade phonics - We are learning about digraphs. The digraphs we use are sh, ch, wh, th, and ck. Today we also played a word family game similar to Uno. They had a blast!
Spelling - Tomorrow we have our first test!
Science - We are working on our weather Einstein kit. This week we spent a lot of time working with thermometers. Since September ended we also made a graph of the cloud cover, precipitation, and wind that we had recorded for the month. I heard back from Mr. Steve Beylon from channel 2. He will be visiting with our classroom on Monday, November 9th.
Religion - This week we learned about different items, places, etc. that are in our church. We then spent two Religion periods in our church going on a tour.
***Second grade has phonics homework tonight***
This week we discussed a painting by Carmen Garza called Birthday BBQ. She is a Mexican American artist that loves to depict scenes of family life and family celebrations. This painting has lots of detail telling the story of an extended family enjoying a backyard BBQ birthday party. Some characters are grilling, swinging at the pinata, caring for children, serving food, visiting with relatives, and sitting by the bonfire. We focused our discussion on how art can tell a story. After the discussion, students illustrated their own story of something fun they did as a family this past summer.
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