First Grade Math - We have been using different methods to solve problems - such the make a ten strategy, counting on, or subtraction to solve an addition problem, solving story problems by figuring out what is missing, and matching equations to dot pictures.
Phonics - We are learning about blends and how they are different from digraphs. A digraph is two consonants together that make a new sound. (th, sh, ch, wh, ck) A blend is two consonants together, but you can still hear their original sound. (br, fl, sk)
Science - This week we learned about reflection. We learned that reflection can be with a ball bouncing, as well as a mirror or glass. We used mirrors and flashlights to reflect light on a target. Here are a few pictures from that lesson -'
Today we are going to learn about vibrations and sound.
Religion - This week is the third week of Advent. Our five more this week is five more ways we can give joy. All of our Religion classes this week were spent practicing for today's mass. Tomorrow we will work on our weekly Promise Paper.
Reading - This week word work and work on writing are all about Christmas! Christmas sight words, Christmas word finds, Christmas sticker stories, writing Christmas cards, etc. Each group continues to meet with me to read stories at their reading level.
Tonight is the middle school Christmas concert. It's at 6:00 in the St. Matthew Campus gym.
In art class we watched the video, The Legend of the Poinsettia. I love this Mexican Christmas story about a family chosen by church, to weave a blanket for baby Jesus in the Christmas manger scene. What an honor is was to be chosen. Mama falls ill, so the little girl tries to finish the blanket but it gets into a tangled mess. She does not feel she can go into church now because she does not have a gift for the Christ child. An older woman tells her Jesus will love any gift she brings because it is from she picks some grasses from the side of the road and offers them to baby Jesus. On Christmas morning, these grasses bloom into beautiful red poinsettias. We are using this story as inspiration for our late November and December art. We learned about patterns and how to weave, and each wove a paper blanket for baby Jesus. Now we are printing and painting beautiful poinsettia flowers for Christmas morning. Merry Christmas everyone. Mrs. Jeanne Ihlenfeldt
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