Phonics - This week we are working on two syllable words that have 2 closed syllables. Ex. - insist. Closed syllables have short vowel sounds and they are closed in by a consonant.
Social Studies - We are up to 36 states and capital as of today. The students have also started learning a new song - "Fifty States that Rhyme".
Science - The students planted seeds. They either planted sunflower, kidney bean, pea, or pumpkin. We planted last week Friday. The seeds are just starting to root. We are documenting the growth of our seeds daily.
They don't look like much yet...but they will!
Religion - We are continuing to work out of our ABC's of Lent book. We are up to letter p. Today we learned about M - Mary Magdalene, N - the nails, O - the open and empty tomb, and P - the palms. Tomorrow we will work on the Gospel Weekly - The Promise Paper. Last Friday Fr. Bob came to visit our class. Before he left we had him do a brain break with our class. Here a few pictures -
Today at church Fr. Bob called up a few of our students to help out during his Homily.
Writing - This week in writer's workshop we worked on cinquain poems. Cinquain poems have five lines. The first line has one word - the title. The second line has two words - words that describe the title. The third line has three words - three action words about the title. The fourth line has four words - four words that express feelings about the title. The fifth line has one word. It's a synonym of the title.
Discipline With Purpose - This week we continued learning about the sharing skill. We learned that sharing involves four things - places, time, things, and people. We discussed how to interrupt politely and how to wait. The other skills we have focused on this year in DWP are listening, following instructions, and asking questions.
***Reminder - If you still have your report card envelope, please return it to school.