Sunday, April 9, 2017

First Grade Math - We are continuing to work on two digit addition.

Phonics - We are working on two syllable words that have a closed syllable and a vowel-consonant-e syllable.  (v-e)

Science - Our seeds are starting to grow!  These pictures are from early last week.  I'll have to take another picture tomorrow...they are so much bigger!

We also built terrariums.  The terrariums have three levels - gravel, leaf litter, and woodland soil.  We learned about and planted to woodland plants - pine tree seedlings and moss.  One of our volunteers, Mrs. Gordon, did some planting with us as well.  She had the students mix potting soil and grass seed.  They put it into knee high nylons and tied it into three sections.  It looks like a caterpillar.  We are now waiting for our caterpillar "hair" to grow.  (It's kind of like a Chia Pet!)

Mixing the soil and the grass seed

Our next visit to Osprey Point is on April 19th.

Religion - We are up to letter V in our ABC's of Lent book.  This week Ms. McAllister also came to visit.  She made the ABC's of Lent book and shared some of the stories with us.  Our Promise Paper this week talked about the passion.  We made Hosana wind socks.  This week we will be walking through the Stations of the Cross throughout the school on Tuesday.

We will be having mass on April 20th.  Parts will go home this week.  The parts this time are-
Greeters - Ella, Aisling, Sam, Clare
Introduction - Cayden
First Reading - Kate
Petitions - Eamonn, Caxton, Vinny, Dakota, RP
Bread - Ephraim
Wine - Emma
Thanksgiving Prayer - Quinn
Reading the song titles - Eddie, CJ, Aubrey

Reading - Our word work focus is singular and plural words.  We are working on words that are plural with just s, words that are plural with -es, and irregular plurals.  A new work on writing center this week is fantastic facts.  The students find four facts about an organism, write them, and illustrate them.  They are turning out pretty cool!  Each reading group continues to meet.  When the students are not meeting with their group, they are doing read to self, read to someone, work on writing, word work, listening, compass odyssey, or the spelling center.

The writing center has a lot of choices.  Here are a few students writing autobiographies and working on stencil stories.  :)

Eddie was practicing his spelling words.

Computer - In the computer lab we have been working on Middlebury Interactive for Spanish, practicing typing on DanceMat, and working on other various websites.  If the students ever want to find any of our websites at home, they can go to our first grade sqworl page.  The page is located at  

This Thursday all of the students will be bused over to Res for the afternoon.  All students will be picked up at the Res campus.  

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