Phonics - We are finishing up unit 13. We have been working on suffixes s, ed, ing, and es. We learned that we use the suffix es when a base word ends in s, ss, x, ch, sh, and z.
Reading - Our word work focus is still tongue twisters. As the students are working in the daily 5 centers I have been pulling the kids to do their final running records of the year. It is amazing where they started and where they are now. They have come so far! This week we also had a visit from the Bookmobile.
Science - We are still working with our organisms. We have had lessons on comparing and contrasting our water plants vs. our land plants and our water animals vs. our land animals. We learned about four amazing plants. We learned about ways different animals move. We still have our terrariums and our aquariums. We check on them often. We are seeing plants that are growing and plants that are dying. We are finding that some of our guppies have died and some of our guppies are having babies!
Religion - This week in our textbook we talked about who Jesus says is our neighbor - and it's everybody! We learned from the parable of The Good Samaritan and The Poor Widow who gave here last two coins. Father Bob is coming to talk to our class on Friday.
Friendship Mass has switched from May 24th to May 31st. So the mass we were scheduled for on June 1st switched to next Thursday - May 25th. Mass parts were picked and readings went home today.
The mass parts are -
Greeters - Emma, RP, Vinny
Introduction - Dakota
First Reading - Kate
Petitions - Sam, Aisling, Caxton, Ephraim, Quinn
Bread - Ella
Wine - Aubrey
Volunteers Poem - Clare
Preparation of Gifts Song - CJ
Communion Song - Cayden
Closing Song - Eddie
This mass is going to be in honor of our school volunteers. Instead of the Thanksgiving prayer, we are going to read a Volunteers Poem. The students are working on decorating the letters that spell out volunteers and they will hold them up during the poem. After that we will sign the blessing song to all of our volunteers.
Discovery Day - Today we had an awesome afternoon. In one session the first graders learned how to play gaga ball. In their other session they learned about restaurants from three people that came from Eddie Whipps. They had to talk about all the people that make a restaurant go and that they all work as a team. Then the students had a chance to be those workers. We had chefs, bakers, waiters and waitresses, hosts and hostesses, bussers, dishwashers, and customers.
Making a menu
Setting the table
The waitress taking orders
The chef cooking
Enjoying the delicious cream puffs from Eddie Whipps
The second group setting the table
The hostess waiting for customers
The customers waiting for their dinner
Adding up the bill
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