Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Few FYI's

Math - Group 1 is working on partners and switch partners up to 10.  Group 2 is working on subtraction stories, circle drawings, and proof drawings with subtraction.

Reading - Our word work center focuses on rhyming.  While the students are working in daily 5, we are also meeting in reading groups.  We have five reading groups.  Each group usually meets every other day.

Writing - This week in handwriting and writing we worked on a poem called Jack'O Faces.  The students had to copy all the words of the poem in the correct spaces.  They then illustrated the poem in a book.

Phonics - This week we are still focusing on digraphs.

Religion - This week we finished up our creation books.  We picked parts for our next mass.  We will be having mass on October 19th.
Greeters - Elliot, Mia, Emma, Guadalupe, Canon, Joah
Introduction - Dylan, Aaron
First Reading - Samuel, Will
Petitions - David, Suzi, Alex, Madison, Mason, Valeria, Lucy, Johanna
Bread - Gabriella
Wine - Lizzie
Leader of the Pack - Lillian
Book - Aiden
Thanksgiving Prayer - Jake, Brady

Science - We tested water temperature this week.  We had a bowl of hot water.  We took the temperature.  It was 102 degrees F.  We had a bowl of cold water.  We took the temperature.  It was 70 degrees F.  Then we mixed the two bowls.  We predicted that the temperature would be between those two.  We were right.  Our mixed bowl of water was 80 degrees.  We filled another bowl with hot water.  It was 102 degrees.  We decided to let the bowl sit out until the morning to see what would happen.  When we checked in the morning, the water was about 60 degrees.

Volunteers - We would love to have volunteers!  We have reading every day from 10:15-11:15.  We have math every day from 1:15-2:15.  We would love to have you!

New student - This week a new student joined our class.  Her name is Mia Sandoval.  She just moved here from Miami last weekend.  She is originally from Venezuela.  :)

Osprey Point - Our first trip to Osprey Point this year will be on October 25th.  We will need some volunteers to go out there with us.  Please let me know if you'd be interested in joining us.

A few pictures from the last week -

Morning Tubs

Work on Writing Center - A squiggle and a sticker story

Math Centers

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