Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Reading - This week we have been celebrating Dr. Seuss!  All of our daily 5 word work and writing centers have something to do with Dr. Seuss.  We have TONS of Dr. Seuss books available in our classroom for read to self and read to someone.  We have been having so much fun learning with Dr. Seuss books.  This Friday, all the classes will come together to celebrate Read Across America Day with DEAR - Drop Everything And Read.

Read to Someone

Word Work - Dr. Seuss word search

Word Work - Assorted centers - The Lorax find the missing code and 
a Green Eggs and Ham cloze activity

Making a waterfall book about Dr. Seuss books

Reading and Writing the room - Finding words that
 start with the letters in The Cat's Hat

Cloze Activity - Finding the missing words in Green Eggs and Ham

Writing - In writer's workshop the students either worked in their writer's workshop notebooks, worked on illustrating their published stories, or worked on Dr. Seuss stories.  The Dr. Seuss stories are awesome!  There were three choices - write and illustrate how you would get rid of the cat in the hat if he came to your house, write like Sam-I-Am in Green Eggs and Ham - but write what you would eat - and make it rhyme, or write rhyming words of where you will read.  I'll have to get some pictures tomorrow.  They really are fantastic!

Math - Our math groups are working hard as always!  It is amazing what we accomplish every day!  The yellow group is working on counting on.  They are underlining the bigger number and putting dots above the smaller number to remind them how to count on.  The green group is working on figuring out the missing addend.  Then they are using circle drawings to show the equation - and then matching the drawings to the equations.  The red group finished up their unit yesterday.  They are working on story problems, figuring out which number is missing in the story problem, story problems with three numbers, and making a ten to find the answer.  The blue group is working on comparison bars.  They read the story problem, figure out who has more/less, plug in the numbers, and figure out the missing number.  

 Working on spider addition in the hands on center.  The spider
body has a number.  The students need to find 8 legs that have
the 8 equations that match the number on the body.

Last Friday we had a math game day.  Each group worked on a game with an adult helper.

The yellow group played Sequence Dice with Miss Jan.

The green group played Uno with Mrs. Curran

 The red group played Yahtzee with Ms. Mac

The blue group was learning how to play cribbage with me.

Religion - Each day we talk about our Lenten journey as we color each day on our Lenten path.  Tomorrow we will be "counting our blessings" and writing things we are blessed with / thankful for on shamrocks.  Friday we will learn about the Sunday Gospel in our Promise Paper.

Read - Aloud - We just finished reading Flat Stanley  Today we made our own Stanleys.  A letter went home today to tell you about our Flate Stanley project.  We are going to send our Stanleys in the mail to someone.  (That's how Stanley traveled in the book.)  (The students can send Stanley to grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, etc.)The person we send Stanley to is going to write about their adventures with Stanley, take some pictures, and then return Stanley, a letter, and the pictures to us.  We need help your help.  Please decide who you would like to send Stanley to .  Please write their address on the back of the sheet that went home today.  Then send the sheet back to school.  Please also send a stamped letter sized envelope.  Do not write on the envelope - the students will be learning how to address envelopes.  I'd like to write the letters / address the envelopes next week before spring break.  Please send your address/envelopes by Monday, March 5th.

I've done this project twice with a class.  It has been so much fun!  Our Stanleys have gone to Canada, England, Afghanistan, Ireland, Hawaii, Germany, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Florida, Washington D.C, New York, etc.  When the Stanleys come back - we put them on the Stanley map - and we learn where that place is.  We learn a little something about that place.  People send us back letters and pictures - and sometimes people have sent us more.  We've received post cards and travel brochures from where Stanley was, a special candy from Colorado, and other trinkets / goodies from where Stanley has traveled.  The students so look forward to getting their Stanleys back in the mail, opening the packages, reading the letters, and sharing with the class.

Working on Flat Stanley

Today we had a great time at Osprey Point!  We got to learn some fun nature songs from our preschool friends!  We hiked out to the big tree.  We learned about our next Einstein Kit - organisms.  We learned that organisms are living things.  We discussed some living things that we were seeing.  We saw the trees, moss, geese, and ducks.  We heard cardinals, but we didn't see them.  We saw deer tracks - and poop.  :)  We talked about how we are in their territory - their habitat.  Then we made some shelters for the animals out of sticks.

Today in writer's workshop we celebrated one of our volunteers - Mrs. Johnson.  Her birthday is this week.  We made her a book, sang happy birthday, and celebrated with some yummy chocolate chip cookies.  Here's what Brady has to say about cookies...

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