Phonetic List - ng.nk words with a suffix
High-Frequency List - Trick Words - Words 71-80
Math - In math we worked on +1 math facts, counting to 100 by 1's, counting to 100 by 10's, counting backwards by 10's from 100 to 0, -1 math facts, covering the same shape with different pattern blocks, line segments, making basic bar graphs, and using the counting on method to add two numbers together. We used our wrap-ups to work on +1 and -1 math facts.
Reading - All of the students have completed their second round of running records. Wow! The growth so far this year is amazing! Raz Kids has been updated to show their new level. To access Raz Kids at home, the students can go to our school Sqworl page.
1. Click on the Holy Cross Sqworl Page
2. Click on Raz Kids
3. If it asks for a teacher username, our class username is jsullivan100
4. They find their name in the class list
5. Their password is the apple symbol
Last week we finished up our Thanksgiving centers. Now we are starting our Christmas
Religion - Virtue Cards - This year we will be learning about different virtues. Every few weeks we will have a different theme. The first theme we are working on is courtesy. Each virtue card has a picture on the front to show the word. Then it has what that word looks like and sounds like. On the back of each virtue card is information about a saint and a prayer. Each theme has its own prayer. The courtesy prayer is - Dear Jesus, Help me to show respect towards others in my words, manners, and body language. Amen. So far with courtesy we have talked about listening to others, making eye contact, letting others speak first, giving your seat to someone who needs it, and letting others go first.
With Advent starting on Sunday, we have started talking about Advent - waiting for Jesus! We have an advent wreath in our classroom and we will be making our own Advent wreaths. We learned about the Gospel in our Promise Paper. Our Promise Paper also focused on the beginning of Advent.
Science - In science we learned about three different kinds of clouds. We learned about cumulus, stratus, and cirrus clouds. We reviewed the water cycle. We made a great water cycle craft!
We watched a Magic School Bus episode about the water cycle called "Wet All Over".
Kindergarten and First Grade did a little reading together! We worked on a reader's theater! A reader's theater is when you bring the words to life! :) It's a short little play/performance. We chose the reader's theater - Pop! Pop! Popcorn! In this short reader's theater we talked about c-v-c words (consonant-vowel-consonant), question marks, exclamation points, palindromes (words that are spelled the same forward as backwards, AND onomatopoeia! (Words that make sounds)
First the nice class picture
Then a few silly pictures
And with our kindergarten friends
Enjoy a video of the reader's theater Pop! Pop! Popcorn!
Have a great week!
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