Monday, May 13, 2019

Spelling Lists -

Phonetic List - Words with suffix -es

High-Frequency List - Trick Words - Words 161-170

Reading - Our word work focus has been pronouns.  The students continue to work hard in reading groups as well as all of the daily 5 centers.  Starting this week I will begin the last round of running records for the year.  This past week during daily 5 the students were also working on writing with cards and stories about their moms for Mother's Day.  The students also had the chance to practice working on typing.

Writing - We continue to work on writer's workshop.  The students have improved their writing skills so much this year!  In writing we have been working on the rough draft, editing (spelling, punctuation, word choice), rewriting, and publishing!  It is amazing to see all the steps and to see the final product!  A few students have been working extremely hard on typing.  Miles asked if he could type his own story since he had worked so hard on typing!  Here he is showing off his skills!  He worked so hard on this!

Phonics - In phonics we have been working on 2 syllable words with suffixes -s, -ed, and -ing.  We also learned about -ic.  If a word is 2 syllables and it ends with the -ic sound, it is spelled ic.  If it is a one syllable word it is spelled -ick.  This week we will be learning about when to use the suffix -es.

Math - In math we worked on shapes that are congruent, partners and switch partners of 10, subtraction facts of 10, fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and the term dozen.

Science - We continue to work in our organisms Einstein kit.  This past week we learned about pill bugs and beetles.  The pill bugs have an exoskeleton, a segmented body, 12-14 legs, and they curl up for protection.  The bess beetle has 6 legs, three body parts, antenna, an exoskeleton, and they squeak to communicate.  Beetles are in the insect category, but pill bugs are not.  Both organisms are now living in our terrariums.  Our snails are thriving.  Our guppies are not doing so well.  :(

Religion - Our current virtue card is self-control.  It goes through the steps 1.  Stop what you are doing.  2.  Think about your choices.  3.  Make a choice.
This past Friday we went over our last Promise Paper of the year!  We also had Adoration this Friday and the Living Rosary last Friday.  We also spent some time working out of our safe environment packet.  

Macy - Our friend Macy's last day with us was last week Wednesday.  We had a Macy celebration on Wednesday!  Macy starts at her new school in Wausau on Monday.  The class misses her already!  We wish her the best of luck in her new city!  <3

Happy Mother's Day!  The students worked so hard this week on cards and stories for their moms!  I hope you love them!  Some of their answers were quite hilarious!!!  We also had a great time painting flower pots and planting flowers for our moms!  We had special helpers Mrs. Curran and Mrs. Gordon help us plant.

As we were getting ready to go home with our flower pots I snapped some pictures with the students and their plants.

Thank you so much for the notes, cards, letters, gifts, etc. for Teacher Appreciation Week!  They are so appreciated!  I am so lucky to be a part of Holy Cross!  Thank you!

Have a great week!  :)

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