Monday, November 2, 2020

We are back!!!  It was so great to be back in school!  Thank you for all your hard work when we were learning at home!  

Spelling - Suffix s Words

Reading - This week we jumped right back into Daily 5 centers and guided reading groups.  In word work we worked on some Halloween centers.  (making words out of Halloween, Halloween word search, Halloween poems - cloze activities and putting the words in order, making Halloween books, digraph spiders, etc.)  This week we will start working on Thanksgiving themed centers.  

In reading groups this year, we have been using Raz Kids more than actual books.  When we use books in our classroom, we have to quarantine them after use.  With Raz Kids, each student has been assigned their own ipad / tablet.  It has been working wonderfully!  Remember, you can always have you student read on Raz-Kids at home as well.  Each student's level is loaded into Raz Kids.  Once in Raz Kids, if they click on the book icon, it leads them to leveled books at their individual level.  

All of this info, as well as all password info is available on the Home Resources doc.

Read-Aloud - We started reading Junie B. Jones First Grader - Turkeys We Have Loved and Eaten And Other Thankful Stuff.

Putting a Halloween poem together

Making words out of the letters in Halloween

Jack 'O Faces

Read to Someone

Listen to Reading

Making Books

Digraph Spiders

Phonics - This week we learned about a new topic - suffixes.  We learned about the suffix s.  We now know that the blank tile on our board represents a suffix.  We learned that the main part of the word is called the baseword and the ending is called the suffix.  For example, in the word shells, shell is the baseword and the final s is the suffix.  We learned that to mark the word, you underline the baseword and you circle the suffix.  

Writing - We started working on a writing unit.  Our unit is writing a personal narrative.  There are 22 lessons in the personal narrative unit - so it will take us quite some time to get through it.  So far we learned that a personal narrative is a story about ourselves.  Then we brainstormed ideas that we could write about.  This week we will work on choosing our small moment, and looking for our beginning, middle, and end.  We have been reading books that are personal narratives to help us with this.

These lessons happen during our writing block, but the students also have many writing choices during daily 5 - in addition to this specific unit.  One of the choices they will have the month of November is the November Journal - which is a copy of many four choices stories to write.  

Math - We are learning how to tell time.  This week we worked on telling time to the :00 and the :30.  We will continue practicing this.  Learning how to tell time can be tricky!  This week we also learned about subtracting 0 from a number, as well as subtracting the same number from itself.  (Ex. 9-0=9 and 9-9=0)

Religion - We started learning about a new virtue from our virtues and values cards - Gratitude.  We are learning about having an "attitude of gratitude"!  We also learned about All Saints Day.  We read from and worked out of our Promise Paper on Friday.  Friday's paper taught us about Saints, the Beatitudes, and we worked on the prayer The Our Father.

Science / Social Studies - This week I introduced the new resource we got during our online learning - Studies Weekly.  We read through the paper copies and went through the website.  In the social studies edition we learned about the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and kindness.  In the science edition we learned about solids, liquids, and gases.  Now that we are back in school, we will also continue with our weather unit in science.  We have a few lessons left to go.  

*Some activities from the week*

Making Pumpkins

Hundreds Chart - Mystery Pictures

Celebrating Wyatt's Birthday

While in phonics class, Nora wrote this note on her whiteboard.  I took her picture.  She asked if she spelled "learning" correctly.  We talked about how the e and the a were silent - and how she had all the letters that we hear written down.  This started a whole bunch of notes on whiteboards - which you can see followed.  :)  How sweet!

Have a great week!


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