Sunday, April 3, 2022

Spelling - We will not have a new list this week.  We still have at least a week left of our Fundations unit on v-e and v-e with the suffix s.  We will get a new list next week.  Next week we do not have school on Friday, so the next spelling test will be on April 22nd.

Phonics - We continue to work on the long vowel sounds.  As mentioned above, our unit also continues to work on v-e and v-e with the suffix s.  (vowel consonant e syllable)

Reading - We will work on synonyms and antonyms one more week before we change out the word work centers.  The students are LOVING this round of centers!  Each day during daily 5 the students work on read to self, read to someone, listening to stories, work on writing, and word work, as well as meet with teacher for our reading groups.  

Our reading goal is to read at least 20 minutes a night at home.  Sight words, which are in the Bee Binder, are another thing students can practice at home.  By the end of first grade, the goal for the first graders is to know 175 sight words.

Raz Kids is a great way to practice reading and spelling.
To access Raz Kids, you can either go to the website or download the app.  

Once there, go to kids login.
The teacher name to enter is jsullivan100.
Once in, the student will click on their name.
The password is the apple.
Press go.
The student can now click on the purple planet for reading or the yellow plant for spelling.  (It says vocabulary)
Then there are some choices.  
     *If the student would like to read the stories we have read (or will be reading) in our reading groups, they will click on my assignment.
     *If the student would like to choose books on their own, they will click reading room.

       In reading room, they have lots of options on how to choose the books they want to read.  If they want to read books at their level only, they may press leveled books.  Every student has their level entered in the website.  This allows them to read books at their level, as well as 2 levels above and below.
    *If the student would like to practice their spelling words, they will click on vocabulary.

If you are using Clever, this website is linked to our class Clever page.  The Clever QR code is in your child's Bee Binder.  Once you are in clever and you click on Raz Kids, you just have to put in our class username - jsullivan100.

Math - We have been working on sums of ten and finding the missing partner.  We know the sum (10), but we have to figure out the missing partner.  For example 4 + ___ = 10 and ___ + 4 = 10.  This week we will be working on congruent shapes, measuring to the nearest inch, and counting dimes, nickels, and pennies.

Religion - We have been working out of our Friendzy curriculum.  Our theme is Friends Forgive.  Our Promise Paper the last two weeks have also been about forgiveness.  We have mass this Friday.  We have been practicing our parts for Mass during our Religion time.  Please continue to practice, practice, practice those readings at home.  Once a week we have been praying the Stations of the Cross.

Science and Social Studies - While we are between Einstein Kits, we have been reading out of our Scholastic News magazines weekly.  This week, however, we will be receiving our new Einstein Kit - Organisms.  We are going to be learning about living things!

Writing - We are working on writing how-to stories.  We have done our brainstorming, planning, and writing step 1.  This week we should be able to finish writing step 2 and step 3.  

We love building with cups!

Have a great week!

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