Sunday, November 13, 2022

Spelling - We will not have a spelling list this week.  We will wait to have a list until after Thanksgiving.

Math - We have been working on counting dimes, counting by 2, telling time to the hour, subtracting 0 from a number, subtracting a number from itself so the difference is 0, identifying odd and even numbers, and locating numbers on a hundreds chart. 

Phonics - We have been working on words with the suffix s.  We learned that the main part of the word is the baseword.  We learned how to mark the baseword and the suffix.  

Science - We worked on mixing the colors of light.  We used flashlights and colored lenses.  We put the colors together and found out what happened when you mixed the colors.  

Social Studies - With Veteran's Day last week, we switched from science to social studies for the week.  We learned all about Veteran's Day and branches of the military.  We also learned a little bit about the United States, symbols of our country, and presidents.  The students heard a few patriotic songs and songs about our states and capitals.  We met with our fourth grade buddies on Friday.  We worked on a collaborative flag project.  We made cards for veterans who went on an Honor Flight last week.

Religion - We have continued our Friendzy unit "I Can Do It".  We continue this month with our virtues and values to learn about gratitude.  We spent time learning about Saints.  In our Promise Paper we discuss heaven and learning from Jesus.  We are practicing good Mass behaviors, such as attentive listening, quietly putting kneelers up and down, quietly finding the song pages,  knowing when to sit, kneel, and stand, and showing appropriate behaviors in the pews when sitting, kneeling, and standing.

Reading - While working in daily 5, I am getting in another round of running records.  I like to see how much progress the students have made from the beginning of the year until now - the end of the first trimester.

Knowing basic sight words is a big part of reading.  By the end of first grade, the goal is for the students to know the first 175 sight words.  Some of the students already know all 175.  Some of the students know only a few words.  Some of the students are somewhere in between those.  :)  The sight words that we use are in our Bee Binder.   Please take some time to practice sight words with your student.  

Reading with your child for 20 minutes a day is another way for your child to strengthen their reading skills!  

Remember, you can access Raz Kids and Vocabulary A-Z at home to practice both reading and spelling.  

To access Raz Kids, you can either go to the website or download the app.  
The app is Kids A-Z.

Once there, go to kids login.
The teacher name to enter is jsullivan100.
Once in, the student will click on their name.
The password is the apple.
Press go.

The student can click on the purple planet for reading or the yellow plant for spelling.  (It says vocabulary)
     *If the student would like to choose books on their own, they will click reading room.

       In reading room, they have lots of options on how to choose the books they want to read.  If they want to read books at their level only, they may press leveled books.  Every student has their level entered in the website.  This allows them to read books at their level, as well as 2 levels above and below.

    *If the student would like to practice their spelling words, they will click on vocabulary.  Their assigned spelling list will pop up.  Click on the list.  From there you can choose phonics, spelling, or vocabulary.  Whichever one is chosen, it will bring you to games that use the spelling list.

As always, we have a lot of pictures from our daily 5 reading block.  :)

My favorite art project - hands and feet turkeys! We traced the students feet for the turkey bodies and the students hands for the turkey feathers.  

A cool creation!

A visit from the therapy dog Sassy

Halloween bingo with our fourth grade buddies

Have a great week!

Holy Cross Mission Statement

Holy Cross Catholic School guides each student in developing academic, emotional and physical excellence while spreading the Gospel message as Jesus did, since 1868.

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