Sunday, May 14, 2023

Spelling - 2 Syllable Words with 2 Closed Syllables

This is going to be our last spelling list of the year!  :)

Phonics - We are learning about 2 syllable words and how to break words into syllables.  We are currently learning about 2 syllable words with 2 closed syllables.  Next we will be learning about 2 syllable words where 1 syllable is closed and 1 syllable is a v-e.

Science - We are working on a lesson called "World Traveler".  We learned about 4 environments - arctic, desert, rainforest, and savanna.  We talked about if we were traveling to those environments, what type of adaptations would a traveler need.  We learned about biomimicry - nature inspired inventions.  Now our job is going to be to create a poster displaying information for a traveler of each environment.  Each traveler will have to have four adaptations - 
-one to help the traveler gather food
-one to help the traveler move around in the environment
-one to protect the traveler in the environment
-one to camouflage the traveler in the environment

Religion - We have finished out Promise Papers.  This week we will finish our Promise Books.  Our last lesson is about prayer.  We will also be talking about the 7 sacraments in the last lesson.  Last week we prayed a school wide rosary.  This week we will pray the living rosary.

Reading - Our word work focus has been homophones and homographs, fantastic facts, word puzzles, tongue twisters, and sentence mix up.
We are currenlty working on our last round of running records and sight word checks.

Every day we work in the daily 5 centers.  Each student is either doing read to self, read to someone, listening, work on writing, or word work.  We continue to read stories in our guided reading groups during this block.  We have also done a few running records and sight word checks in the last few weeks.

Knowing basic sight words is a big part of reading.  By the end of first grade, the goal is for the students to know the first 175 sight words.  Some of the students already know all 175.  Some of the students know only a few words.  Some of the students are somewhere in between those.  :)  The sight words that we use are in our Bee Binder.   Please take some time to practice sight words with your student.  

Reading with your child for 20 minutes a day is another way for your child to strengthen their reading skills!  

Remember, you can access Raz Kids and Vocabulary A-Z at home to practice both reading and spelling.  

To access Raz Kids, you can either go to the website or download the app.  
The app is Kids A-Z.

Once there, go to kids login.
The teacher name to enter is jsullivan100.
Once in, the student will click on their name.
The password is the apple.
Press go.

The student can click on the purple planet for reading or the yellow plant for spelling.  (It says vocabulary)
     *If the student would like to choose books on their own, they will click reading room.

       In reading room, they have lots of options on how to choose the books they want to read.  If they want to read books at their level only, they may press leveled books.  Every student has their level entered in the website.  This allows them to read books at their level, as well as 2 levels above and below.

    *If the student would like to practice their spelling words, they will click on vocabulary.  Their assigned spelling list will pop up.  Click on the list.  From there you can choose phonics, spelling, or vocabulary.  Whichever one is chosen, it will bring you to games that use the spelling list.

Fantastic Facts

Raelynn loves waterfall books!

More waterfall books

Tongue Twisters

Writing - We are so close to having all of non-realistic fictions stories complete!  This week we will be sharing our stories with our kindergarten friends.

Math - We have been working on measuring using inches and feet, identifying dozen and half dozen, subtracting a number from 10, and addition facts: adding 9.

Typing - The class is continuing to practice their typing on Dancemat Typing.  They are getting good!  It's been fun to watch the progress!

Happy Mother's Day!
We painted pots and planted flowers.  Our volunteer, Mrs. Curran, made us dirt cups for snack.

All our painted pots!

Pretty petunias!

The final project!  Happy Mother's Day!

Fun pictures from the week -

Thank you for the flowers, gifts, and Starbucks!

Parachute Fun

Parachute Fun!

Spring Concert

Waiting after our songs

Maevh's flower drawing

Mother's Day flowers

Have a great week!

Holy Cross Mission Statement

Holy Cross Catholic School guides each student in developing academic, emotional and physical excellence while spreading the Gospel message as Jesus did, since 1868.

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