Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy 1ooth Day of School! 

100th Day Projects

The 100 inch man

100th day sign

Hallway - 100th day projects are up and 100 year old pictures are on the lockers

Spelling - Vowel Teams oa, oe, ow

Phonics - We have started a new group of vowel teams - oa, oe, and ow.  They all sound like long o - except ow has two sounds.  It can sound like a long o as in crow, but it can also make a different sound, as in cow.  We worked on tapping words that have five sounds.  We went through all of our old vocabulary words and reviewed all of our old concepts - glued sounds, bonus letters, blends, digraphs, closed syllables, cvc words, suffixes, etc.

Reading - I met with all of the reading groups last week as usual.  Friday we started another round of running records.  I will be working on this throughout this week as time allows  (CSW Week!)  and will hopefully be done in the next 2 weeks.  The growth these students are making is absolutely amazing!
Here are a few daily five and writing pictures -

Math - In math we worked on counting by tens from a number.  (Ex. if I have 17, then plus 10 is 27, if I have 34, then plus 10 is 44, if I have 72, then plus 10 is 82, etc.)  We worked on comparing and ordering numbers from 1 - 100.  We did some over 100 as a challenge.  We worked with money.  (dimes and pennies)  We continue to practice our doubles plus one facts.  

Science - In science we tested our solids to see if they were magnetic.  One surprise was that our golden colored washer was not magnetic.  We found out that it was brass and that brass is not magnetic.  We finished our solids investigations up by testing two new solids - a blue sponge and a golden colored button.  We tested the new solids for all of the properties - color, shape, stacking, rolling, hardness, floating or sinking, and magnetism.  The students enjoyed doing all the experiments and then writing down their findings.

Religion - We finished up our generosity cards.  Our new word is meekness.  We worked on some things for Catholic Schools Week.  One thing we are doing is surprising another class with kindness.  We worked on a banner for that class.  We also are decorating our door for CSW.  Our door says "Holy Cross is the place to "Bee".  The students thought of things they like about Holy Cross and wrote their answers down on bees.  It turned out adorable.  Brother Jacob came to our class.  This week he talked to us about vocations.

Some fun pictures from the week -

Snow angels

Coloring the 100 inch man

Have a great week!

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