Thursday, May 28, 2015

A few updates...

First Grade Math - We have been working on different methods of adding two digit numbers.  The methods we have learned are new groups above, new groups below, show all totals, and proof drawings.  We are also regrouping to make hundreds.  And of course...there are more story problems.  :)

First Grade Phonics - We are on the last unit!  The last unit is a review of all of the concepts we have learned about in phonics this year.

Science - We are continuing to work out of the Einstein kit called changes.  We mixed water with both sugar crystals and sugar cubes to see which one dissolved first.  Then we redid the experiment with just sugar crystals, but we mixed one with hot water and one with cold water.  We put green and black markers on a coffee filter.  Then we added a drop of water to see what would happen.  We found out that other colors are hidden inside of the colors.  The kids loved this experiment!  Today or tomorrow we are going to work on the next lesson.  It involves baking soda and vinegar.  :)

Writing - In writer's workshop the kids continue to work on their books.  They're also making a special something for their Dads for Father's Day.  We've also been working on making books for all of our special helpers that come to our class.

Handwriting - The first graders have finished their workbook.  The second graders have three more pages.  We are bound and determined to get through them.  When we finish, the second graders will have learned all of the lower case and capital letters in cursive.

Religion - We finished all of our Promise Papers for the year.  Yesterday we got our Mass parts.  We will be practicing for our Mass during our Religion time.  If your child has a reading part, please also practice at home.

Reading - We are winding down with Daily 5.  Our word work centers are the kids favorites!

Flat Stanley - This has been such a fun project!  The kids LOVE getting mail!  We have heard from almost everyone now - either by sending us mail or by e-mail.  Our Stanleys have been all over the continental United States, Hawaii, and Europe!  The kids have learned where these states and countries are, as well as facts about them.  Here are our current Stanley maps...

Thank you so much to your friends and families for helping us out with this fun project!  I'm waiting for all of the Stanleys to get back.  I'd like to take a picture of all of the students with their Stanley. After the picture is taken, we'll send Stanley, his letters, and his pictures home.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mass parts were picked today.  If your child has a reading part it did go home today.  Mass parts are-

Greeters - Teddy, Enzo, Zak, Cullan
Cross - Ruby
Book - Reese
Salt - Dylan
Light - Keegan
Streamers - Katey, Hannah, Mary, Heath, Kyan, Madison, Ella, Cassie, Megan
Intro - Brett
First Reading - Mia
Responsorial Psalm - Enzo, Teddy, Landon
Petitions - Max, Cullan, Misha, Kate
Bread - Zak
Wine - Rowen

Tomorrow is our PBIS reward day.  The students chose free time as their reward.  They may bring in an electronic device tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Faith Shields -

Our class goal for Faith Shields was 400.  Today, we completed that goal!  That means 400 acts of kindness, 400 helpful things, 400 positives!  That's awesome!  This time the kids voted on having free time.  Free time can be anything...even bringing in their own electronic devices.

This Thursday, May 28th, we will have our day.  We'll do it at the end of the day for about the last 45 minutes.  If you are comfortable with sending a device with your child, you may.  If you don't want to send one, we have plenty of iPads here at school that the students may use.  The students will keep their devices in their lockers until our free time.

Congratulations on earning 400 Faith Shields!
Our class is going to be in charge of Mass on the last day of school.  I just got the Mass parts today.  I'm hoping to write up the rest of it tonight and pick parts tomorrow.  Mrs. Becker has asked that we help decorate the church for this Mass.  She has asked us to bring in beach towels.  If you are willing to lend one out, please have your child bring it it next week...I would think Wednesday or Thursday would be fine.  Mrs. Becker is going to drape them on the altar and on the railings.  Thank you!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Here's the end of the day!  Have a great weekend!

Here's a picture from this morning...I'll try to get another one at the end of the day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Flat Stanleys have been traveling around the world...and some of them have made their way back to Green Bay!  Some people have sent pictures via text and e-mail if their Stanley hasn't returned yet.  It's been an incredible journey!  The students LOVE seeing the pictures, learning about other places, reading the letters, finding the places on the map, and even receiving some items.  :)  As the Stanleys return to school, we have been putting the Stanleys on our "Stanley Map".  What a fun project this has turned into.  Thank you to all of your families and friends for helping us out with this!  The following maps will show you where the Stanleys that have returned have traveled.

We had an awesome visitor today!  Mrs. Curran volunteers in our classroom.  Today she brought her son Phillip.  Phillip is in the Navy.  Next week he will be deployed for six months.  He talked with our class about his job in the Navy.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

A few FYI's -

*Tomorrow, Monday, we are having a dress rehearsal for the spring concert.  The rehearsal will be from 8:00 - 11:00.  We will not have a snack time tomorrow.

*We are also having a sub tomorrow.  I'm taking my personal day.  :)

*The students who ran in the Cellcom may have a dress down day tomorrow.  They need to wear their Cellcom t-shirts.

*The spring concert is on Tuesday at 6:30

*This Friday, May 22, is Field Day!

Have a great night!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

***The first and second graders have math homework tonight.

In first grade, we were working when time was up.  :)  The students are to finish their work at home and bring it back tomorrow.  (Max, Cullan, and Kate already finished their work.)

***This Thursday the Green Bay Fire Department is going to come and talk to our class about fire safety.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekly Spelling Lists -

First Grade - Phonetic List - Unit 33 - Digraph sh

First Grade - High Frequency List - Words -201-210

Second Grade - Phonetic List - Unit 34 - Homophones

Second Grade - High Frequency List - Words 361-370

***I can't believe it...This is going to be the last spelling list of the year!  Next week we have Field Day on Friday.  The following week we don't have school on Monday.  The week after that is the last week of school!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Sorry this is so late...I just got home.
I was vaguely aware that tomorrow is a dress down day. The kids are supposed to dress in their teacher's favorite color.  I don't remember it being posted anywhere.  So, if you get this before the morning, my favorite color is orange.
(If you have a fifth grader like I do, I texted Sharon.  Her favorite color is yellow.)

Sweet dreams!  :)

A few photos from May Crowning

A few updates -

First Grade Math - We finally finished unit one in the second grade math book.  It was 21 lessons of story problems.  The students have learned how to identify story problems with too much information, not enough information, comparing problems, and 2-step problems.  Our new unit is focusing on place value - ones, tens, and hundreds.

First Grade Phonics - We have been separating words into syllables and identifying each syllable.  (closed syllable, c-v-c-silent e)  We also learned about the final -ic sound.

Science - We are working on the Einstein Kit changes.  Yesterday we had a lesson where we had two solids (salt and gravel).  We identified the properties of each using our senses.  Then we poured the salt into the gravel and observed.  Next we mixed the two and observed.  Finally we had to figure out how to separate the two solids.  We made a sieve out of fabric mesh and separated the two solids.

Reading - We have been working on our final running records of the year.  :)  There has been so much improvement!  Our word work focus this week has been called Fantastic Facts.  The students are using non-fiction books to write and illustrate facts.  The students are also continuing to work on story elements (character, setting, events, problem, solution) and prefixes, suffixes, and base words.

Handwriting - The first graders officially finished their handwriting book yesterday.  :)  The second graders are continuing to work on cursive letters.  They have learned all of the lower case letter.  Now they are working on capital letters.

Religion - Our Gospel focus this week is "Love one another, just as I love you."  John  15:12
We are also focusing on Mary - as May is the month of Mary.

Art - Our annual art show will be coming up this May. During the show, students will be learning how to be at an art exhibit. Art gallery etiquette will be discussed with students prior to the show. Students will learn to speak in a low voice volume, to running in an art gallery or art museum, and to view art work with their eyes only. Please no touching the art work at an show gallery.... even if it is their own work! 8th grade students will have worked hard to set up the displays which we will not not want to disrupt. We also would not want to break someone's work. Please help your son/daughter with reminders of art show etiquette during the show. Thanks in advance.

Also,please consider the art room as you do your spring cleaning. I can always use extra ribbon, buttons, beads, old costume jewelry even if it is only 1 earring, scrap book embellishments, stamp pads, other odds and ends left over from craft projects,other art supplies with the AP seal ....your junk becomes our treasures! 

Gym - All of the classes will be outside as much as possible. We will be working on strength and following lists of directions.  It is interesting, but the listening skills will help their core subjects as well.  There will be some extra gross motor activities as well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Spelling Lists -

First Grade - Phonetic List - Final ck

First Grade - High-Frequency List - Words 191-200

Second Grade - Phonetic List - r-controlled a:  ar

Second Grade - High Frequency List - Words 351-360

***Flat Stanley - Please bring in your envelopes and addresses.  We would love to send out our Flat Stanleys tomorrow. ***

Please turn in your Flat Stanley items - an envelope with a stamp and the sheet with who your child is sending Stanley to.  We'd like to get our Stanleys and our letters in the mail tomorrow.
Thank you!