Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tomorrow is dress like a book character day.  If your child chooses not to dress up they need to wear their uniforms.  We are also having all school reading buddies.  The students may bring a book from home that they want to read with their buddy.

We will be having a Valentine exchange on February 14th.  I'll send home a class list today to help you with writing out valentines.

Next week Wednesday is the 100th day of school!  We have a few 100th day projects already.  They may be turned in anytime.  I'll start hanging them up in the hallway today after school.  They are so fun and creative!  I did have someone ask if they could make a special shirt to wear for the 100th day.  I think that's awesome!  I saw some cool designs on Pinterest.  If you and your child are up to it, you may make a shirt and wear it on the 100th day.  I'm so excited!  I love the 100th day!

Last night we raised $220 with the pie toss!  Thank you so much to all of the students who threw a pie in my face!  :)  The money is going to be donated to a charity.  (It hasn't been decided where yet.)  Family Game Night was a lot of fun!

Have a great night!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We are not going to have a spelling list this week.  We have a lot of things going on this week for Catholic Schools Week!

*Tomorrow we are making rosaries from 1:15-1:45.  At 2:15 the whole school is meeting in the FAC to pray the rosary with each student representing one bead of the rosary.  The students may also wear their Resurrection gives hope t-shirts.
*Thursday we will have a sock toss in the FAC at 12:35.  It is also dress-up day.
*Friday the students are to bring in a storybook to read with other students.  We will be meeting at 9:00 to share books.  The students may also dress as a storybook character.
We are also having a book swap.  If a students brings in a gently used book, they may choose a "new to them" book.

I hope you're having another great day off.  Brrr!  It's cold out there.  Stay warm!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to stay home with Zak tomorrow.  He has a fever of 102 right now.  :(
Mrs. Christopherson is going to be the substitute teacher.
Monday is going to be a pajama day for Catholic Schools Week.  I can't wait to see all the pj's!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

***Today is the 90th day of school.  We are exactly half way to 180! :)  We are also ten school days away from the 100th day of school.  The students will be making 100 day projects again this year.  A note will be coming home tomorrow to explain this.

***We filled our marble jar today!  When the marble jar gets to 300 the students get to choose a reward.  They chose a movie.  Tomorrow we will be watching a movie and enjoying popcorn and juice.  :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Weekly Spelling Lists -

Phonetic List - Suffix -ing

High-Frequency List - Words 71-80

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tomorrow is a Res Spirit Day!  The students may wear jeans...and anything they have with Res on it.  They may wear the black handprint t-shirt, any Res clothes you've ordered, sports uniforms, etc.  If they don't have anything, they may wear Res colors - green and white.

Monday, January 13, 2014

This week's spelling lists -

Phonetic List -Suffix -s

High-Frequency List - Words 61-70

Reading - Our word work focus this week is contraction words.  We have also been revisiting our stamina with read to self and read to someone.  Now that we finally have a five day week, we can get back to reading groups and daily 5!

Phonics - We have been reviewing all of the glued sounds.

Math - We have been working on place value - tens and ones.

Science - Our seeds are starting to sprout!  We planted kidney beans, peas, pumpkins, and sunflowers.  It's fun to see how much they grow every day!  We are patiently awaiting the arrival of our first shipment of organisms.  (water plants and land plants)  Due to the cold weather, the shipment was postponed a week. They should be here Wednesday - and then we can start building our terrariums.

Religion - Our Promise Paper on Friday was about the baptism of Jesus.

Friday, January 10, 2014

I had a typo on the website.  It's

If you don't have any plans on Saturday, the Einstein Science Expo is at Shopko Hall.  It's from 9-4.  The cost is $2 for adults and $5 for kids.  The Einstein Project is the amazing company that brings science to life for classrooms!  We do three Einstein kits a year - weather, organisms, and solids and liquids.  The Science Expo has tons of hands on things to do.  The kids can make paper, make paper rockets and shoot them to the ceiling, make silly puddy, hold snakes, see electrical demos, etc.  My boys look forward to it every year.  I was telling the class about it and I was asked to send some info about it home.  You can check it out at einsteinproject. org.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I've been teaching for 15 years.  I've never seen this happen before  Green Bay schools are closed AGAIN tomorrow!  Enjoy another day!

Monday, January 6, 2014

I just found out - school is cancelled for Tuesday, too!  Stay warm!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Yesterday we had a new student join our class.  Her name is Paisley W.  She had a great first day!  We now have 8 boys and 6 girls to make an even 14!  Have a great weekend!  Stay warm!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tomorrow, January 3rd, is a Packer (or favorite team) dress down day.