Friday, June 5, 2020

I am blown away by your love and kindness!  Thank you
for the best last day of school ever!

Air hugs!

Happy last day of First Grade!  
I am so proud of all of you!  
Have an amazing summer!

A few last day of school pictures -

Writing - Beginning of the year to the end of the year!  The progress is absolutely amazing!  Way to go first grade friends!

Addison - Beginning of first grade

Addison - End of first grade


Ella - Beginning of first grade

Ella - End of first grade

Vincent - Beginning of first grade

Vincent - End of first grade


Rachel - Beginning of first grade

Rachel - End of first grade

Justin - Beginning of first grade

Justin - End of first grade

Mikey - Beginning of first grade

Mikey - End of first grade

Kambria - Beginning of first grade

Kambria - End of first grade

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vivianna - Beginning of first grade

Vivianna - End of first grade


Lorelai - Beginning of first grade

Lorelai - End of first grade


Have a great summer!!!