Monday, August 31, 2020

We had a great first week of school!  

On the first day of school we read a book called First Day Jitters.  After reading the book we talked about how we were feeling about the first day of school.  We used the Smart Board to show our feelings with emojis.  Then we graphed our results.  Some students chose more than one emotion.  :)

Another activity we did on the first day of school was make a chain.  Each day in first grade we talk about what day of school it is and how many days are left.  Each day we add a number to our days of school chart.  We will also take a link off of our chain.  The chain we made on the first day has 180 links for 180 days of school.

A third first day of school activity we did was make a puzzle.  Each student was given one puzzle piece and they decorated it any way they wanted.  When everyone was finished, we put the puzzle together.  I laminated the puzzle and made it into this beautiful bulletin board!  

We need to have rules in school!  We spent some time reading some books including Try a Little Kindness, Do Unto Otters, and How to Lose All Your Friends.  We then came up with rules for our classroom and ways to be a great classmate.

We spent some time getting to know each other.  We brainstormed a list of words of things about us / things we like to do.  We then made these beautiful cloud/rainbow projects that are hanging in our classroom.  The rainbows have the words each student chose about themselves.

We had a few days of indoor recess the first week of school.  Here are a few pictures from recess.

The first week of school we read the story of Creation out of the Children's Bible.  We also watched a video from The Beginner's Bible of the Creation story.  We are currently working on our own creation books and they will be coming home this week.

We attended Mass for the first time.  The Mass day for 1st grade this year will be Friday.  On the way back from Mass, we stopped to take this cute picture!

Have a great week!  :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Welcome to the Holy Cross First Grade Blog!

Here is a sneak peak of our classroom!  We will see you very soon!  :)