Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lots of things have been happening in first grade.  Here are a few updates -

Now that Lent has begun we will be having Stations of the Cross.  Stations will be on the following dates:
Friday, March 14th @ 2:15
Tuesday, March 18th @ 10:15
Monday, March 31st @ 9:00
Friday, April 11th @ 2:15
Wednesday, April 16th @ 2:15 - Living Stations

We have Station 8 - Each week 2 students will be reading that Station.  No readings have been assigned yet.

April 10th is going to be the next (and last) mass the first graders will be leading.

*In science we are just about finished with our organisms Einstein kit.  It was such a fun kit!  The students loved growing the plants and maintaining the aquariums and terrariums.

*In math we are working on adding and subtracting teen numbers - using many different methods.

*In phonics we recently learned what a closed syllable word is and how to mark it.  We are now learning about vowel teams.

*In writing we have been taking our writer's workshop stories and making them into digital 3D pop-up books on the website  They are turning out awesome!

*This week we have been focusing on Dr. Seuss.  (He would be 110 this week!)  We have been reading lots of books, working on many activities and projects, visiting the website Seussville. com, and learning lots of facts about him.

*Headphones - Most students have headphones.  If your child doesn't...please send some.  We use them every day with the iPads for listening to stories.  We use them every time we go to the computer lab.  We use them for MAP testing.  Thank you!

Have a great night!

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